Going into stretching

Stretching shows your true ability to withstand the pain that is accumulated in your body. By moving your body to the maximum limits of contortion, the immense stress that is within your body truly shows. Every little thing that is difficult in your life is stored within your muscles. It builds up and makes you tight as a drum. With each passing day of agony your body feels it too. All the meat in your body is a vessel of pain that needs to be relieved. The only way to do this is by stretching and withstanding the pain that is caused by moving your body around itself opening the limbs and body parts to new extremes. All the sexual tension that you may have easily escapes your mouth in exacerbated gasps of undeniable extreme sensations of exposing the truth behind all the discomfort that lies beneath the surface.

Stretching is the first step to moving towards yoga. Yoga builds muscle while stretching alleviates the tension that is trapped within the body and gives a way for the spirit to express itself that one only wishes to display in other manners. The body can become so tight, that even the simplest of moves can be portrayed to an onlooker as acts of agony. This agony that is within the body can quickly tighten up again if care is not administered. It’s best to continue a stretching regiment regularly because the breaking force of life always wants to deposit more pain and discomfort within your holy vessel of a body. The body cannot stand to accumulate to much pain and when the time comes to stretch and relieve this alienation from itself, the people around you should take you seriously in the fact that so much undeniable grief has been absorbed into your human frame.




Camina con Milla de Oro
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