Here and Now



Be right with yourself. The rest has a relative value in the pursuit of happiness: prestige, money, health, power, sex, travel … etc., can be useful, as can also be the source of unhappiness.

Our job will be to discover the way in which we harm our lives, to correct it, little by little and in turn we will observe what generates us happiness, to multiply that action.

OBSERVATION OF THE IRA How are we in anger? We refer to that discomfort, discomfort, pain, discomfort, fatigue, etc. And thousands of similar or similar words in which an incapacitating feeling or thought can be understood by not having passed what one considered obvious or rational.

THE IRA IS GENERALLY MUCH PAST IN THE HEAD If our automatic response is anger most of the time, it is that our head and our life stayed in the past; This is that there was an event in the past that makes our lives bitter and we go there frequently to remember it or to bring it to the present, damaging our capital which is the present.

It is not easy to observe it and it is also fleeting that it produces a discharge of energy that brings us out of normalcy and ruins the here and now; It is so bold that the mind makes it its standard and does not allow us to discover it, to prevent us from going out to correct it. It is something like a defense mechanism that disables us to live in the present moment, but to justify our actions.

HOW ARE WE AFRAID? We refer to that sense of insecurity, which is a feeling of inadequacy, disability of life in the event of an eventuality of the future. Example: the mark of an exam that passes the subject, the course, the university.

FEAR IS GENERALLY A LOT OF FUTURE IN THE HEAD The fear is wanting to pass the river before reaching the bridge. It is to try to know the decision before it has been assumed or taken, it is to seek perfection in such a suitable way that there is no room for any deviation. That’s possible? Can we predict our future? It is a bit to play God and that not only is not possible, but generally leads to harmful health behaviors.

BEHAVIORS OUT OF REALITY. We have seen the most significant behaviors that help us to avoid HERE AND NOW, anger and fear; which can be specified as the strong tendency to be in the past and in the future. Those are the behaviors that we should look for more rigorously, not to punish ourselves, but to leave the insane habit of not facing reality.

Why don’t we face reality, HERE AND NOW? The answer is very simple because we have a deficit IMAGINARY self-esteem, that is, we believe that we cannot survive with our own resources and that is not true.

WHAT CAN WE DO TO CORRECT THIS SITUATION? The first thing is to observe it, if you are absent from your emotional states, little or nothing can be done, you will continue to react automatically believing in good faith that you are exercising your best behavior.

A procedure of observation of the way we react to the contingencies of life must be organized. It is appropriate to do it in a lonely and silent place. We are just going to observe our reaction, it is not appropriate to hurt oneself, with anger or fear, damaging the capital that one has, which is HERE AND NOW: observe, observe, observe.

Camina con Milla de Oro
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