Sanders the humanoid President

Bernie Sanders would make a great humanoid to continually run until he is President. The humanoid Bernie Sanders could live much longer and have the ideals set forth to be carried on until they eventually win. Seeing Bernie every couple of years is a welcome invitation by everyone and we need to keep having him around for as long as people can think ahead to remember. Making him into the first humanoid that could possibly defeat any challenger in the political realm, so that we could all live happier and healthier lives according to the ideals he holds up would be fitting for any robot human.

It would be a different angle for Bernie the humanoid to take against the health care system, as he would be a robot fighting for the cause of individuals who are unable to get hurt financially when they are injured. The robot probably would not have to fight for pain relief the same way and he could do more about getting people the attention they need to seek help. The help in this country for those who are flesh and blood are there.  Along with Bernie the humanoid, that could be portrayed in cult media from comic books to commercials and sitcoms, he could take on dangerous addictions that seem to require us to need the medical attention his court has monitored its message around.

His weakness to allow women to threaten him would also be abolished as a humanoid. Most men running for President should not have to be berated by the opposite sex, as men have no justification for having children. A humanoid would be the sole identifier and placeholder of the ideas it represents. Moving it around and in front of media who need an action shot, could easily provide a more agile, computer-controlled body mainframe to keep the robot from being injured while acting to enthuse the audience. Seeing an old man break dance would make the news throughout history, something only a humanoid at his age can do for sure.

The messages that Bernie Sanders brings to light every year are well worth the time of everybody to listen to and act upon. Probably requiring the Bernie humanoid to keep trying until the ideas are settled and written into law. There are other countries that do model Bernie’s ideas quite nicely, not only acting in theory, so it can be done. I’m sure Bernie the humanoid could be more widely accepted as an endearing part of culture to last a long time, and that at some point the humanoid would be given the shot to make the changes seen as necessary. Even given the power to do so in Presidential form, to allow the changes to happen successfully.

Keeping this humanoid of Bernie around and sustaining would require a lot of effort on Bernie Sanders himself to get started. The advantages are clear that it needs to be done to keep our country aware of what we are after. Like a common goal that needs to keep being reminded to us even if we achieve what he has come to find. The Bernie humanoid would teach us the way to be committed to a better understanding of partisanship. That we may abide by it and live with it as best we can even though it draws us apart to all lengths and degrees.

Camina con Milla de Oro

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